Hello Colleagues,


Please see information below from AAMC with an opportunity to learn how to convert your teaching materials to publications in MedEdPORTAL as you seek to enhance your scholarly portfolio.


Office of Faculty Affairs



In this session, participants will be introduced to MedEdPORTAL, the journal of teaching and learning resources for the AAMC.

AAMC - Association of American Medical Colleges

Group on Diversity and Inclusion (GDI) and
Group on Faculty Affairs (GFA) Joint Webinar

Converting Your Teaching and Assessment Materials into Educational Scholarship Through MedEdPORTAL

February 10, 2022
1:00-2:00 PM ET


In this session, participants will be introduced to MedEdPORTAL, the journal of teaching and learning resources for the AAMC. MedEdPORTAL is a MEDLINE-indexed, open access, online-only journal that is an avenue for educators to publish their teaching activities as well as a source of ready-to-implement materials. Submissions to MedEdPORTAL includes a manuscript and all materials needed to run your teaching activity.

After participating in this session, participants should be able to:

1.     Describe how educational resources can be published in MedEdPORTAL.

2.     List the characteristics of successful submissions.

3.     Explain how to use MedEdPORTAL as a repository for peer-reviewed materials in the health professions.



Juan Amador
Director, Constituent Engagement

Michelle Oliva
Senior Specialist


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